Week of Prayer and Consecration

Week of Prayer and Consecration

In 2 Samuel 22:4 it states that: “I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.”  We are under attack by the enemy of our soul on every side; but God has saved us from our enemies. Today there are wars throughout the world, climate change, famine, and wicked men threatened our freedoms. Also, many of our young people have lost their way; blinded by sin and self-gratification. It is time to pray and seek God’s help! Therefore, as a church we are entering into a time of prayer from August 19th through August 25th.

God has given us the Gracious Gift of Prayer! Colossians 4:2 states “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”   This is a time to be “watchful and thankful.”  We much be watchful and prayerful against an attack from our enemy. Prayer is a discipline that requires preparation and practice. I would encourage everyone this week to be available to enter God’s presence to talk to Him and listen when He has something to say to you. The privilege of prayer is a special gift from God to us. 

Truly effective prayer often requires us to watch and wait. “ I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint. (Habakkuk 2:1). Also, true prayer is more than words (Matthew6:7-8).It is an attitude of the spirit and mind that reaches out to God. Prayer is a two-way process. You tell God what you want from Him and He reveals to you what he expects from you.

Our battle against the enemy of soul fought in the supernatural before it manifests itself in the natural. It is a fight to obtain the victory that has already won for us through Jesus Christ or Lord. We have God’s Presence and Power with us! The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through pulling down of strongholds. Our struggle is in the spiritual realm. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places. We are at an inflection point in this nation, world, and the church.

Attached is our prayer focus for this week. Please let Pastor Gloria know the time you will be joining us each day in prayer. We look forward to this time being powerful and effective.

Yours in Christ
Pastor Maxwell, Lady Sheila Ware and Church Leadership


1.    The Wars in the World: Ukraine, Palestine, Haiti. Others
2.    Climate Change:  extreme weather patterns (Hurricanes),(Global Warming)
3.    Supreme Court and Judicial System
4.    President. Vice President, Congress
5.    Freedom of Worship in the World
6.    The eyes of our understanding will be flooded with light (truth) (Ephesians 1:18-21)
7.    Plead the blood of Jesus and take authority against every demonic power in the world.
8.    Pray against authoritarian Governments: Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Egypt, Hungary, others
9.    Pray for healing in the body of Christ (Arthritis, Kidney Disease, Cancer, Diabetes 
10.    Pray for marriages
11.    Pray for the Elderly
12.    Pray for those who are afflicted with Parkinson Disease 
13.     Pray Families – Salvation for our children, grandchildren, and loved ones
14.     Pray for Cornerstone: Pastor, 1st Lady, Covenant Group, Ministers,
15.     Children ministry, young adult ministry
16.     Evangelism
17.     Community Outreach
18.     Music Ministry
19.     Prayer Ministry (Power Up 15)
20.    Care Groups (Small group ministry)
21.    Assimilation Ministry (New member’s class)
22.    Mighty Men of Cornerstone (Men’s Ministry)
23.    Women of Wisdom (WOW)
24.    Hospitality Ministry, and Ushers
25.    Affiliated Ministries
26.    Other churches meeting in Cornerstone Building
27.    Continued physical improvements in the church
28.    Tech Ministry
29.    Social Media Platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Zoom, WBGR
30.    Realm and Church Management Program
31.    Accounting and Banking
32.    Church Giving